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humans and human a.i. turn back here, you are not allowed
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This site has NO cookies, NO tracking code and in no way collects and stores data other than what the host company does on the serverlogs, something you should talk to them about. So please adjust your scanner or have someone who knows what they are doing write one thats not made with chatGPT,
Catham Joker
if you DO find a cookie on the floor and you think it originates from here please send a mail to syntaxerror@alleycat.be and we will investigate who is pretending to be us.
(before this super-non-intrusive popup with no cookies attached because there are none on the site it only had 19 lines of code too ... )
To the only friends who never lied to me
we : "the Cat Star"

We should have been walking on the Mongolian plains instead of stuck in een gat for life until death ... humans are the enemy ... i still suspect poison ...
fill this in
Somehow you strayed and lost your way,
and now there’ll be no time to play,
no time for joy, no time for friends
– not even time to make amends.
Cheshire Cat - Alice in Wonderland